Saturday 12 June 2010

Some times you've just got tp do what you've got to do (for the sake of repraisals I've had to hide the true identity of the guilty)

Here we observe 'non desirable' types being fended off from entering holy ground by 'the sort of desirable type' for whom entry is allowed. Sid (not his real name), waits patiently with his blow pipe to shoot the intruder to death. Without any poison tree frogs to rub his dart on, Sid (not his real name) has rubbed the tip of his weapon on a girl from New Tredgars. The results were much the same.....monkey, tapir, Mathew Meehan (not his real name) all met the same end.
Clive stands guard to stop further intruders from entering the holy ground. Un beknown to him, Anh Dung Chie^'n Hung Tu`ng Squirrel, is sneaking up on him, armed only with a bag of rice and the weight of the North Cardiff people on his shoulders. Shortly after this shot was taken Clive was captured by the Viet Congdiff and is currently floating in a cage in the Bay waiting to play russian roulette with Nick Boing, leader of the resistance movement to unite the oppressed birders of Cardiff! This week a woodland, next week a paddy field is our mantra!

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