Sunday 30 May 2010

Poland - The Marshy Bit

The new Pancake twins at Wizna Bridge.
View from the old restaurant viewing area looking for Greater Spotted Eagle.

Plenty of Aquatic Warblers down there.

Rich is not amused. Getting bitten by mosquitoes, not seeing Great Snipe and the nail in the coffin, having to pretend he is Welsh for the week.

Poland - The Foresty Bit

MCP waiting his turn for Three-toed Woodpecker.

Five species of Woodpecker from one spot.....note the hoodies..... nothing to do with rain.... damm mosquitoes.....

The Unikat restaurant and a nailed on spot for BTD.

Somewhere beginning with B and with lots of Ws and Zs.

Why you should never hire a car to a birder

Poland Hotel Arrangements

Plans to wire the moth trap to the mains go somewhat pear shaped!

Poland Travel Arrangements

SS is not amused when Portly Leader refuses to pay for an upgrade!