Wednesday 17 December 2008

CBC Gala Dinner

The great and the good of the Cardiff birding scene were seen out last night enjoying themselves at their annual Christmas curry at an exclusive location in Roath Park.

Awards to Glamorgan birdwatching were also on the menu and there were some surprises. Portly Leader was awarded 'String of the Year 2008' for his Bee-eater at Lavernock and Poopert Gerkins was awarded the coverted prize of 'Services to Local Conservation' for moving to Gwent. The Llancadle Wader won the 'Huge Parrot' Photo of the Year for his Garganey in flight at Cosmeston. Worst photo went to Maurice Mellons for his Glaucous Gull.

On the Blog, the best post went to Anon for 'Nantyfuckingdumplon' and the best response went to the GLB for his Audouin's Gull saga.

The Meriwether award for PC went to the Fairwater Goatherder for his Crunchygate and Young Ornithologist of the Year went to the Twitchmeister from Birders in Boxers!

You see we are a fair lot really.


Anonymous said...

that bloke opposite Wayne,is he off Flog It?

Anonymous said...

No, he was a guest, nuthatch's son in fact. Infact it was a double father/son dinner, as my boy Meriwether jr. also attended.
No wise cracks or I'll set the boo-boys on you! And they come with a government health warning..!!!
As for evening in general, who said Cardiff birding is dead! We even had an official Maestegi observer (Sidart the Black). Although there was some language difficulties, however with translation (cheers Wayne), we managed to stop him eating the napkin and from stealing the crackers. He said they would make good 'wompum' with the beaver trappers next spring.
Although talking of stealing, did Br. Slaphead nick one of Portly's papadams?